
Create a Month's Worth of Blog Posts in Minutes with sleepseo

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Simple SaaS Product which helpes mass produce SEO-Content and save hours with AI. You can submit a keyword and let Sleepseo generate 50 Blogtitles and also create the SEO-Articles.

Offer For BufferAppps Community:-

First 10 blog posts are free, if you are interested in a yearly subscription just shoot me a DM i can give you a 20% discount.

Founder's Note

Hey guys,

Checkout this loom video for the launch:

This tool is a wrapper around the OpenAI API that allows you to create thousands of SEO-optimized articles all at once. I initially built this tool just for myself because it used to take me at least 5 minutes to prompt ChatGPT to generate the content. I found myself repeatedly doing the same task, so I automated it with sleepseo.

It's very simple to use. You can create blog titles for the keywords you want to rank for and also generate the corresponding SEO articles. The first 10 articles are free, and I would greatly appreciate your feedback.

If this tool is widely used, here are my future plans:

1. Integrating it with popular CMS platforms to automatically upload your content.

2. Adding integration with the Google indexing API to automatically index your content.

3. Making everything more configurable, such as the prompt or the length of the content to create.

For myself, I have already integrated the auto-push feature for Strapi and created around 1,000 blog articles in just 10 minutes, instead of spending 100 hours on prompting and copying to ChatGPT.

I hope this is helpful.




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